BECAUSE GOD GAVE TO EACH LIVING SOUL THE BREATH OF LIFE AT BIRTH, AND SPIRIT TO WALK ON EARTH, He IS THE ORIGINAL SOURCE OF OUR WELL BEING IN BODY, SOUL, AND SPIRIT. If you believe that the God of the Bible is the Almighty Creator of the Universe, you can learn how to come into the Spirit of His Divine Holy presence. By the author’s personal testimony, you will see that God can manifest His mysterious 'presence' in various ways.

Reduced Size Actual Contents

Reduced Size Actual Contents


1. Who is the God of the Bible.......................................1

2. What is the Holy Spirit?.............................................9

3. Who has Primary Knowledge of God Today?.......... 21

4. Why is the Torah Necessary for Well Being?........... 37

5. Why is the Light of God Vital for our Soul?..............59

6. Why was David a Most Righteous King?...................69

7. Is a Blood Atonement and Mediator Necessary?.......81

8. Who Holds the Key to the Door of Eternal Life?.......103

9. What is the Truth about Yeshua?.............................119

10. What is the Truth about the Trinity?.......................181

11. Who are the Children/Sons of Darkness.................207

12. Can God be Found in a Closet................................307

Epilogue (Author’s Personal Testimony).......................335

Friday, April 15, 2011

“God is the Original Source of our Well Being in Body, Soul, and Spirit” . . .

      “ Without God’s healing presence of LIGHT, a soul can die physically, mentally, and emotionally when there is no spiritual ENERGY and POWER to overcome spiritual darkness and weakness in our soul. This can manifest in sickness from head to foot; turmoil in a restless body, soul, and spirit; chronic depression; drug and alcohol additions; and suicide. Whether rich or poor, a soul that is  separated from God's healing LIGHT can die from spiritual darkness and weakness in this life and the life to come – just like King Saul.
           Through this one-of-a-kind spiritual self-help book, you will learn about many important spiritual things, including the WAR SCROLL found amongst the Dead Sea Scrolls; the future apocalyptic BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON; the Children of Belial (the Devil); and why it is vital to be Children/Sons of Light. May each precious and priceless soul read-ing this book choose to be Children/Sons of Light so you can come into the Spirit of God's Divine Holy Presence in your journey in life on earth – and in the eternal life to come!

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